About us

A global leader in carbon removals

Drax Group plc has announced that it plans to establish a new independent business unit that will focus on becoming the global leader in delivering large-scale and high-integrity carbon removals.

Working with coalition partners, the new business will offer a compelling proposition that combines Drax’s expertise in BECCS with the latest climate science and it will have an ambitious goal to remove at least 6Mt of CO2 from the atmosphere annually

With Carbon Removals delivered by BECCS, we’re creating opportunities for forward-thinking businesses to advance on their environmental goals while helping reduce historic CO2 emissions in the atmosphere.

Our expertise, culture and purpose – to enable a zero carbon, lower cost energy future – are the driving forces behind Carbon Removals by Drax.


CO2 planned to be removed from the atmosphere every year by 2030 with our global BECCS plants.


Renewable power planned to be generated each year by our BECCS plants in the US and UK by 2030.

4.5 Mt

Engineered carbon removals purchased in 2023 as the market has continued to grow

Drax’s transition from coal to biomass

We have a history of putting sustainability first, testing and proving technologies to solve seemingly unsurmountable challenges.

We transformed what was once Western Europe’s largest coal-fired generators, turning it into the continent’s largest decarbonization project, and largest single-site renewable electricity generator in the UK.